Introductory Khmer I
Face to face course aims to develop students’ proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing Khmer at the introductory level, with structural points introduced inductively. Meet five hours weekly. For Novice Level. HSL
Credits: 4
Semester offered: Fall
Mode: Regular (On-campus), Online (by request)
Introductory Khmer II
Continuation of 101. Face to face course continues to develop students’ proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing Khmer at the introductory level, with structural points introduced inductively. Meet five hours weekly. Pre: 101 or exam or consent. HSL
Credits: 4
Semester offered: Spring
Mode: Regular (On-campus), Online (by request)
Prerequisite: CAM 101 or exam or consent
Conversing in Khmer I
The online course aims to develop students’ proficiency skills in speaking and listening at the first-year level for the purpose of communication, travel, for enjoyment, and for further learning.
Credits: 3
Semester offered: Fall, Spring
Mode: Online
Conversing in Khmer II
The online course aims to develop students’ proficiency skills in speaking and listening at the first-year level for the purpose of communication, travel, for enjoyment, and for further learning.
Credits: 3
Semester offered: Spring, Fall
Mode: Online
Prerequisite: CAM 103 or consent
Reading/Writing in Khmer I
This online course aims to develop the student’s proficiency skills in reading and writing Khmer at the First-Year level. Use Interactive digital Multimedia Material and a textbook to complement the web-based instruction. Novice level.
Credits: 3
Semester offered: Fall, Spring
Mode: Online
Reading/Writing in Khmer II
Continuation of 105. This online course aims to develop proficiency skills in listening, reading, and writing Khmer at the first-year level. Use Interactive digital Multimedia Material and a textbook to complement the web-based instruction. Pre: 105 (or equivalent) or consent. HSL
Credits: 3
Semester offered: Spring, Fall
Mode: Online
Prerequisite: CAM 105 (or equivalent) or consent
Intensive Elementary Khmer
Credits: 10
Semester offered: Summer
Mode: Online